Simple example
Type simple text in a node:
! Header <h2> VikiWiki formatting is based on indent. !! Header <h3> Lists and tables can be created easily: * example of ul list + example of numbered list 1. Subnumbered list - You can mix them And include a paragraph of text or\and a table inside an item using indent. ||Just||A|| ||Simple||Table||
And you get it nicely displayed as:
Header <h2>
VikiWiki? formatting is based on indent.
Header <h3>
Lists and tables can be created easily:
- example of ul list
- example of numbered list
- Subnumbered list
- You can mix them
And include a paragraph of text or\and a table inside an item using indent.
Just A Simple Table
- example of numbered list
VikiWiki? format is a Wiki-style markup driven by identation. It is desighned to be easily readable as a text, and parseable to nice html. Items that start from a certain column are displayed in that column in a resulting page. Indent also determines what next items to place inside a header, list item, table, etc.
There is 6 headers, the largeer the number, the smaller the header.. like html tags.
! Header <h2> !! Header <h3> !!! Header <h4> !!!! Header <h5> !!!!! Header <h6>
Header <h2>
Header <h3>
Header <h4>
Header <h5>
Header <h6>
Simple text not inside the header forms a paragraph. The paragraphs are separated with a blank line.
Similarly, you can include several separate paragraphs inside a list after 1.8.6.
- About pragraphs in a list Here is first paragraph inside the list. Here is second paragraph inside the list. Here is a paragraph outside the list.
- About pragraphs in a list
Here is first paragraph inside the list.
Here is second paragraph inside the list.
Here is a paragraph outside the list.
Horisontal line
More than 3 '-' form a horisontal line.
Item lists
To create an item list one uses * or -. As usual, indentation forms sublists, and a mark without content is ignored.
* Item 1.1 * Item 1.2 - Item 1.2.1 - Item It's easy to include a paragraph inside a list item to describe it. * Item - Item 1.3 * Item 1.4
- Item 1.1
- Item 1.2
- Item 1.2.1
- Item
It's easy to include a paragraph inside a list item to describe it.
- Item
- Item
- Item 1.2.1
- Item 1.3
- Item 1.4
Numbered list
Numbered lists are created with +, 0., 1. etc. marks. All the numeration is taken care of automatically, and the number inside the mark is ignored. Subitems are specified with identation and assigned correct numberation. Different types of lists are freely interchangeable.
+ Item 1.1 + Item 1.2 1. Item 1.2.1 2. Item It's easy to include a paragraph inside a numbered list item to describe it, too. + Item 1. Item 1.3 0. Item 1.4
- Item 1.1
- Item 1.2
- Item 1.2.1
- Item
Its easy to include a paragraph inside a numbered list item to describe it too.
- Item
- Item
- Item 1.2.1
- Item 1.3
- Item 1.4
Definitions list
A definition of a word is put after : and displayed on the next line with indent. Definitions can also be nested, but not intermixed with other markup.
:Elefant:An animal with long nose. :Giraffee:An animal with long neck. :Giraffee:Funny word, isn't it? :Hippopotamus:An animal with big everything.
- Elefant
- An animal with long nose.
- Giraffee
- An animal with long neck.
- Giraffee
- Funny word, isn't it?
- Hippopotamus
- An animal with big everything.
In 1.8.0 feature, :: is a separator of a definitions list. It is a solution for the problem which you can not use a URI and a InterWikiName as a definition word.
::http://www14.org1.com/~mopia/dynamic/vikiwiki.cgi::Here is VikiWiki site.
- http://www14.org1.com/~mopia/dynamic/vikiwiki.cgi
- Here is VikiWiki? site.
A columns of a table are formed using || or |, with and without line respectively. To start different table, skip a blank line. Other markup is possible inside tables, exept that they cannot be nested.
||''Something''||''One''||''Can not''|| ||Translate from||the Japaneese language||is written in VikiWiki|| |''Something''|''One''|''Can not''| |Translate from|the Japaneese language|is written in VikiWiki|
Something | One | Can not |
Translate from | the Japaneese language | is written in VikiWiki? |
Something | One | Can not |
Translate from | the Japaneese language | is written in VikiWiki? |
In 1.7.9 feature, a table header <th> is specified that a context of a cell is enclosed with the strong format.
Formatted text
Any text enclosed in {{{, }}} is considered and displayed as is, without any modification. All identation is also preserved. If you need to include {{{, }}} in the text, please prepend it with a space.
{{{ A poems and codes are best written This way, as they are preformatted already. }}}
A poems and codes are best written This way, as they are preformatted already.
One can use a > to quote a sentence.
> Quotation can be split into many lines > But will be treated as one paragraph, anyway.
Quotation can be split into many lines But will be treated as one paragraph, anyway.
Before 1.5.x <<< and >>> were used for block quotations, and the behaviour is changed now.
Block (For CSS styles)
1.6.0 Now <<< and >>> are used to mark a style block:
<<<chip The block is surrounded with <div class="xxx"> tags. * and || markup will work as it should inside the block: * As ||It||Should|| Right inside the block. >>>
The block is surrounded with <div class="xxx"> tags. * and || markup will work as it should inside the block:
- As
It Should
Right inside the block.
Wiki names and links
WikiName? is a name of a node. It is formed from a Capital letter, followed by one or more small letters, then capital lerrer with small again, as many times as you like, but no less than 2. Othervise, you can form an arbitrary Wiki name with [[, ]]. In this case first word is the name, and the rest is the description. All Wiki names are automatically linked to their respective nodes.
WikiName? examples:
* VikiWiki * [[justname]] * [[VikiWiki Some description]]
InterWiki? links
InterWikiName is a possibility to point to a page on a different wiki. It is formed using : between a Wiki specification and a page name, like InterWikiName:WikiName. One can also specify interwiki names using [[, ]] convention. The word before first : is an InterWikiName. (The translation is incomplete for this part, please refer to JpHelpPage if you can read it --KonstantinLevinski?)
Here is how:
* PukiWiki:FrontPage * [[intername:name]] * [[PukiWiki:FrontPage Front page of PukiWiki]]
Internet links
Links to an internet resourse defined using [URL desc] scheme. If the URL is a picture, then the picture is shown. Text starting from http:, ftp:, mailto:, news: also converted into respective links.
* [http://localhost TOP] * http://www.hogeoge.org * [img/vikiwiki.gif VikiWiki]
One //// means comment, text is not parsed.
// Do not show me!
Bold, Italic, Stroked and As-is.
Text surrounded with '' appears bold. Text enclosed in ''' appears italic. To stroke a phrase, enclose it in ==. {{, }} makes the text appear as is.
* ''Strong'' <strong> * '''Emphasize''' <em> * ==Del== <del> * {{==Unmodified==}}
- Strong <strong>
- Emphasize <em>
Del<del> - ==Unmodified==
Plugins start from # in the beginning. Please refer to
Inline plugins needs {} in back of #.
PluginsPage for details
# plugin plugin abcdefg#{span class hij}klm
The system plugin can show the describes of each plugin. Specify the plugin name when the specific plugins are necessary. More than one can be specified by blank pause.
#plugin #plugin pi1 pi2 ...
Use the here-document style when plugins have multi-line parameters. You write <<label-name for a parameter, and the parameter is multi-line parameter until the label-name appears. For example, use the here-document when you use the html plugin.
#html <<END <script language="javascript"> document.write("<p>Here Document!</p>") </script> END